Crear una ventana para passwords que vibra si la password es incorrecta. El campo de texto oculta los caracteres en pantalla. La vibración es configurable.

#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # from Tkinter import * from time import sleep from random import randint # # correct password is: password # def check(Event = None): if hash(var.get()) != -1767432613: # hash for password o = root.geometry() l['text'] = 'Wrong Password:\nAttemp will be logged and reported.' l.config(fg='red') for times in range(50): root.geometry("+%d+%d" %(int(root.geometry().split("+")[1])+randint(-69, 69), int(root.geometry().split("+")[2])+randint(-69, 69))) root.update() sleep(.05) root.geometry(o) root.geometry(o) root.update() else: l['text'] = 'OK: Connected to FBI Main Server...' print ('\nConnected to FBI Main Server...\n') l.config(fg='black') root.iconify() sleep(.25) root.deiconify() root.geometry() var.set("") # root = Tk() root.resizable(0, 0) root.title("FBI VPN Client") root.geometry("+800+350") root.wm_attributes("-topmost", 1) root.focus() root.config(bg='#F2F1F0', cursor='hand2') var = StringVar() l = Label(root, text = "FBI Login: Please type your password...", font=('ubuntu', 10), bg='#F2F1F0', bd=0, relief='flat', cursor='hand2') l.grid() a = Entry(root, font=('ubuntu', 12, 'bold'), show = '●', bg='#D7DAED', bd=0, relief='flat', cursor='xterm', highlightcolor='red', textvariable = var) # show = '*' a.grid(row = 1, column = 0, padx = 10, pady = 10) a.bind("<Return>", check) a.focus() root.mainloop()
Disclaimer: el uso o no de SheBang/Declaracion de Encoding queda a criterio del usuario.