• Cómo Detectar y notificar dispositivos USB, usando Python, en Linux, ejemplo simple.

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import glib
import gudev
import pynotify
import sys
def callback(client, action, device, user_data):
    device_vendor = device.get_property("ID_VENDOR_ENC")
    device_model = device.get_property("ID_MODEL_ENC")
    if action == "add":
        n = pynotify.Notification("USB Device Added", "%s %s is now connected "
                                  "to your system" % (device_vendor,
    elif action == "remove":
        n = pynotify.Notification("USB Device Removed", "%s %s has been "
                                  "disconnected from your system" %
                                  (device_vendor, device_model))
if not pynotify.init("USB Device Notifier"):
    sys.exit("Couldn't connect to the notification daemon!")
client = gudev.Client(["usb/usb_device"])
client.connect("uevent", callback, None)
loop = glib.MainLoop()

Disclaimer: el uso o no de SheBang/Declaracion de Encoding queda a criterio del usuario.

Fe de Erratas: seguramente hay una forma mejor de hacerlo, pero esta funciona correctamente.